How to Make




  • 125ml Fever-Tree Mojito Mixer
  • 50ml Rum
  • Viel Eis
  • frische Minze
  • Limettenspalte

Mixing Method

1: Ein Highball-Glas mit viel Eis befüllen

2: 50ml des Lieblingsrums & 125ml Fever-Tree Mixer hinzugeben

3: Gut umrühren und mit einer Limettenspalte & frischer Minze garnieren

Learn More

Although the origin of the mojito is uncertain, there can be no doubt this Cuban classic is one of the world’s most popular cocktails. We've created a Mojito Mixer using the finest Mexican Limes, and Moroccan mint which when stirred with rum & mint makes a refreshing authentic Mojito in moments.